OMNIWAX® #1628
OMNIWAX® #1628 Urethane Release Agent is specifically designed for cold molding of urethane parts and a release for in-mold coatings. OMNIWAX® #1628 has lower silicone content than OMNIWAX® #1628-A and therefore is especially well suited for non-pourous chrome surface molds.
Recommended for use on self-skinning urethane from 1 pound density and up on steel, aluminum, epoxy and polyester molds. Penetrates and seals mold pores providing easy release of parts, fewer rejects. Effective release agent for strong bonding compounds. Doesn’t build-up on parts as waxes do. Seals and protects the mold while extending the working life of mold.
OMNIWAX® #1628 may be applied by wiping, brushing or spraying with spraying recommended. On new or refurbished molds apply two coats, wiping each lightly with a soft cloth before staring production. For best results, use a light spray application after each part.

Available in 4 1-gal. cans per case, 5-gal. pails and 55-gal drums